The roasting of the grotesque
Infinitesimal and dismal.
Each link in the chain added as soon as I wake. Heavy, story-laden, 
fact supported. Visions contorted. 
Enemies, enemies, enemies, enemies, enemies.
Eventually they all show through the skin. Slowly emerging, 
tearing through their shallow surfaces. 
Appearing deep, creating wounds to nurse.
There's cursive letters dancing in the smoke. Fire frying the soft ends of her hair. 
what was left of the trust that she had was etched out of her smile with an angry hand. And...
who could be so cruel? Who would want such horrible things?
Why of course it was herself: the suffering soul.
Self sabotage was where she played well her role. 
she cut her eyes out for what they could see and carved in a smile where it would never be. Took soft strands of hair 
and chose to destroy what was left untouched by pain.
she built a fire without and within so it could never be put out again.
Let it Grow
They say I love it, I like it
they kill it then they put it on their headstone
walking relics of many graves
Death being the result of their love and appreciation

Realizing that the randomness isn't random
it's patterned inconsistency
Just enough to lock me into the cage drooling
until the tiny bell rings for my surprise snack to appear
Who am I?

I am a walking, living, breathing, memento mori. Every success and breath reminded of this fleeting life. These
lines in my face, the growing fear of what's near... The fearlessness of what's here. Surrounded more and 
more by these thoughts of impending endings. The brevity and selection of time worth spending.
How expensive the company of life that no longer seems unending. The tunnel now straight and unbending.
What a glorious and bitter brain to receive. What a painful and lonely heart. What grief!

Hyperfixating Until I Destroy All of the Good Things About Anything.

What if you were broken like me? You could slip into the canyons of ideas and claw at the cliffs trying to 
get back to where everyone lives and can see each other perfectly. The grand chasm eats me whole. 
When I only wanted to be eaten by you. Consumed completely. My mind, my body, my ideas and my 
love. I just want to be consumed by love. What a canyon to fall into or onto. Whichever way I'd choose 

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